In the Stars April 17-24, 2022...shining light on the astrology of the week: Full Moon
The Full Moon in Aries perfected Saturday, April 16th, a particularly powerful and volatile lunation that is square to Pluto. On April 30th there is a Solar Eclipse that is conjunct with Uranus, another potent alignment. Pluto is slowing down, and will turn retrograde on April 29th. As it nears its station, Pluto symbolism becomes stronger. The explosive, intense, and potentially destructive energies of the week ahead are likely to increase the toll in the Ukraine. Powerful, volatile energies can also be employed for good. Tremendous potential is available for accomplishment, transformation, and change.
The Sun is in Aries for a few more days, and then moves into Taurus on Tuesday. Taurus symbolizes growth. In addition to planting flowers and vegetables, consider what else you want to seed and grow in your life. Taurus also symbolizes money and resources which grow over time when tended.
Jupiter is conjunct Neptune, an inspiring combination that invites us to let our imagination soar and dream new possibilities.
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Sunday is an eventful day full of heavenly alignments. The deep feeling Scorpio Moon aspects Mercury, Uranus, and Venus, creating an emotional stir and a lot passion. Mercury conjuncts Uranus, an alignment that is sextile to Venus, enabling brilliant, passionate ideas to pour forth.
Monday is yet another day of strong, volatile alignments. The Sun conjuncts Eris and squares Pluto which are high conflict alignments. The Moon conjuncts the South Node and squares Saturn, increasing tension. Use this powerful energy to do strong work, but go slowly and mindfully and use the energy wisely. Helpful alignments are the Moon’s trine to Jupiter and Neptune, and sextile to Pluto.
Tuesday begins with a healing trine between Chiron and the Sagittarius Moon. The Sun ingresses into Taurus tropically, ushering in a month that invites walks in nature, enjoyment of life’s sensual pleasures, and an appreciation of beauty. The Sag Moon colors the day optimistic, even with a Moon-Venus square that may make us feel underappreciated.
Mixed flowing and challenging energies occur on Wednesday. A Moon-Saturn sextile grounds the morning, and structures the day. In contrast, then the Moon squares Neptune, distracting or inspiring us. Later in the day the Moon squares Jupiter, giving optimism, and perhaps, overpromising. Later in the evening the Moon enters Capricorn, grounding energy and preparing us for a couple of strong work days ahead.
An opportune Moon-Mars sextile early Thursday morning gives a boost of energy for a industrious work day. The Capricorn Moon calls us to our duties and responsibilities. Excitement may be stirred in the evening as the Moon trines Uranus.
Friday is a mixed day of ease and pressure. With the Moon in ambitious Capricorn, we will want to make strides in our work, and finish the week strong. The Moon conjuncts Pluto and squares Eris, demanding a lot from us. Meet your obligations. On the other hand, there is ease in the day with the Moon making benefic aspects to Mercury, Neptune, and Jupiter. Be inspired, and keep your eye on the prize.
Saturday is anything but usual. This weekend day for friendships, encouraged by the Aquarius Moon. We ponder what we value with Mercury conjunct the North Node. Create a different kind of Saturday night experience at a unique place or friends other than those with whom you usually associate.
Discernment and focus can be applied to practical matters such as finances, as the Moon conjuncts Saturn and squares Mercury on Sunday. Think outside the box. Imagine solutions. Tune into the plight of the Ukrainians, and overall humanitarian rights concerns, and consider how you can help.
We ease into Monday gently with the Moon in Pisces, calling forth compassion and charity. The days early in the week would be good for donating money to worthy humanitarian causes such as the needs of Ukranian refugees. With Mars conjunct the Moon, strong feelings are stirred.
The Week in Short:
Sunday: Passionate, eventful day. Tap your brilliance and good fortune and make this day count.
Monday: Volatile, powerful day. Lean into hard work. Go mindfully, and avoid conflict.
Tuesday: Sun moves into Taurus tropically, focusing the month ahead on love, nature, and beauty. Buoyant day that may bring healing.
Wednesday: Mixed benefic and challenging energies. Day of opportunities and accomplishments.
Thursday: Strong work day with some diversion and excitement in the evening.
Friday: Mixed day of ease and pressure. Be productive and creative, and go with the flow toward your goals.
Saturday: Mix with different friends in an unusual place, and expect the unexpected.
Sunday: Apply discernment and focus to practical problems, and think outside the box.
Monday: Gentle, flowing day with strong, compassionate emotions.
Ten Things to Do with Venus in Pisces (April 5 – May 2, 2022)
1.Paint a room in your home a fresh, beautiful color. 2. Create an inspiring musical playlist. 3. Write a poem or a song. 4. Give to your favorite charity. 5. Give grace to challenging people and situations. 6. Let your heart sing! 7. Wear lovely clothes and be beautiful. 8. Soak in the beauty of art through a visit to an art gallery. 9. Infuse your life with beautiful, fragrant flowers. 10. Create! Create! Create!
Moon Void-of-Course: This is the time when the Moon makes its last major angular aspect with a planet before it moves into the next zodiacal sign tropically. This void time, when the Moon is not aspecting a planet, but rather floating on its own, is a time when things don’t come together and it is difficult to make good decisions. Purchases made during void Moons often turn out to be unsatisfactory and not work out. Appointments often don’t come together, and meetings don’t result in progress or sound, lasting decisions. We more easily get lost or meander in trying to get somewhere. The VoC Moon times for the next month are listed below so that you can plan meetings, decisions, and purchases at times when the Moon is not VoC; and use the void times for gardening, reading, and routine task work.
Void-of-Course Moon times for the month ahead (one lunar cycle): Pacific Standard Time:
April 18: 4:54 p.m. – 7:16 p.m. (Moon into Sagittarius)
April 20: 1:55 p.m. – 8:52 p.m. (Moon into Capricorn)
April 22: 8:52 p.m. – 11:17 p.m. (Moon into Aquarius)
April 24 at 5:33 p.m. through April 25 at 3:14 a.m. (Moon into Pisces)
April 27: 6:35 a.m. – 9:09 a.m. (Moon into Aries)
April 29: 2:38 p.m. – 5:18 p.m. (Moon into Taurus)
May 2: 2:33 p.m. – 2:39 p.m. (Moon into Gemini)
May 4: 1:36 p.m. – 4:04 p.m. (Moon into Cancer)
May 7: 3:25 a.m. – 4:49 p.m. (Moon into Leo)
May 9: 5:38 a.m. – 3:53 p.m. (Moon into Virgo)
May 11: 8:59 p.m. – 11:34 p.m. (Moon into Libra)
May 14: 1:07 a.m. – 3:33 a.m. (Moon into Scorpio) GMT (Greenwich Mean Time):
April 18 at 23:54 through April 19 at 2:16 (Moon into Sagittarius)
April 20 at 20:55 through April 21 at 3:52 (Moon into Capricorn)
April 23: 3:52 – 6:17 (Moon into Aquarius)
April 25: 0:33 - 10:14 (Moon into Pisces)
April 27: 13:35 – 16:09 (Moon into Aries)
April 29 at 21:38 through April 30 at 0:18 (Moon into Taurus)
May 2: 21:33 – 21:39 (Moon into Gemini)
May 4: 20:36 – 23:04 (Moon into Cancer)
May 7: 10:25 – 23:49 (Moon into Leo)
May 9: 12:38 – 22:53 (Moon into Virgo)
May 12: 3:59 – 6:34 (Moon into Libra)
May 14: 8:07 – 10:33 (Moon into Scorpio)
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