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In the Stars April 21-28, 2024 . . . Shining Light on the Astrology of the Week

The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction perfects today, Saturday, April 20.. This aspect is powerfully innovative and expansive. Expect opportunities and say yes to offerings. Be expansive in your imagination about what is possible. Invent and Discover!

The Sun now shines in the fixed earth sign Taurus, symbolized by the bull. Taurus symbolizes growth, beauty, pleasure, security, money, and resources.


Mercury is retrograde for a few more days, turning direct on Thursday, April 25. Yet, Mercury remains in its shadow until May 13 when it gains full strength again. The shadow periods still offers the opportunity to re-think, review, and revise plans.



The eagerly anticipated Jupiter-Uranus conjunction perfects on Saturday, April 20th at 21:49 degrees of Taurus. A description of the symbolism is taken from The Mountain Astrologer: “The Sabian Symbol for the 22nd degree of the second sign inspires hope that this conjunction will initiate a new evolutionary phase for humanity: ‘White dove flying over troubled waters: The spiritual inspiration that comes to the individual in the overcoming of crises.’ The keyword phrase for this degree, ‘A Reward for the Faithful,’ underscores the positive potentials. More signs from the heavens come from the Fixed Star Beta Doradus (22:07 Taurus), which is activated by today’s alignment. According to Roderick Kidston, in his book The Magic of the Stars, when the energies of Beta Doradus are stimulated, ‘opportunities open up magically; material benefits accrue; instincts are likely to be sound; extremes, big upheavals, before big gains (roller coaster); core faith and grit enable meeting challenges head-on, emerging better and stronger’.” (TMA, March-May 2024, pp.75, 77). The Virgo Moon is trine the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in the morning, boosting opportunities, and grounding them in practicality.


With the Moon in Libra Sunday, April 21, we are invited to spend time with our beloveds. Venus is conjunct Chiron, focusing attention on healing and creating healthy relationships. The Sun squares Pluto, urging us to get to the truth of matters at hand.


The Libra Moon seeks peace and harmony. However, on Monday, April 22, the Moon opposes four planets, meeting challenges and discord from Mercury, Chiron, Venus, and Eris. Libra negotiates and mediates, so put those skills to good use! These oppositions are in cardinal, action-oriented signs, so make it a productive day.


We dive into the deep emotional waters of the Scorpio Moon on Tuesday, April 23. The Moon squares Pluto mid-day, bringing up deep issues to process. The Moon is Full, perfecting at 4:48 p.m. PDT. As the Full Moon is in a tight square to Pluto, there are powerful transformational processes at work today, and for the next two weeks of this lunation.


A Saturn-Moon trine on Wednesday, April 24, helps to stabilize the day, rocked by yesterday’s alignments. Another aspect is a Venus-Eris conjunction that gives confidence for expressing needs. Feelings continue to run deep, colored by the Scorpio Moon.


Mercury turns direct on Thursday, April 25. The Moon opposes the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in the early morning hours, galvanizing energy for the day and perhaps bringing surprises. The passionate Scorpio Moon makes opportunistic trines to Mars and Neptune, igniting motivation as well as inspiration. The Moon enters Sagittarius at 6:37 p.m. PDT, inviting a social evening. The Sag Moon’s sextile to Pluto helps us consider possibilities.


The Sag Moon flies free on Friday, April 26, with no major aspects in its path. It’s a day for expansion, a bike ride, or making travel plans. And definitely, enjoy a fun social evening.


The weekend is enlivened and upbeat with Saturday’s Sag Moon. The Moon makes numerous aspects, both easy and challenging, throughout the day (square Saturn, and Mars, and trine Chiron, Eris, and Venus). Hike in nature and be expansive and optimistic.


Sunday, April 28, holds a practical work-oriented Capricorn Moon. We put ourselves to work on this last day of the weekend. Turn your attention to goals you want to accomplish before you start the work week. The Sun and Moon trine in earth signs, supporting practicality and responsibility. Mars conjuncts Neptune, guiding us to go with the flow.


The work week starts strong on Monday, April 29, with the Moon still in Capricorn. It is an active day with numerous aspects. Challenging aspects are squares to Mercury, Chiron, and Eris.. Easy, supporting aspects from the Moon are to Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, and Ceres. Venus moves into Taurus, the sign it rules, and where it is strong, residing in this fixed earth sign through May 23.


The Week in Short:

Saturday: Day of opportunity and positive potential. Jupiter and Uranus conjunct.

Sunday: Focus on creating, healing, and nurturing healthy relationships. Dig deep for the truth of matters.

Monday: Active, productive day, though there will be some discord to manage and mediate.

Tuesday: Dramatic day packed with deep feelings and transformational energy.

Wednesday: Strong feelings abound, but we feel a sense a stability. Take the courage to speak up.

Thursday: Mercury turns direct. Day of excitement, diversion, and possibility.

Friday: Expansive day. Get some strong exercise, and enjoy a fun, expansive evening.

Saturday: Upbeat day with opportunities and challenges. Journey outside in nature.

Sunday: Strong work day. Accomplish weekend goals. Go with the flow.

Monday: Industrious work day; strong start to the work week, with lots of activity.


Ten Things to Do with Venus in Aries (April 4-29)

1.       Get started on a creative project.

2.       Take a dance class.

3.       Add more color.

4.       Take a new hike.

5.       Say “yes” to a spontaneous offer.

6.       Wear red.

7.       Express appreciation out in the world when people help or serve you.

8.       Be a little more assertive, in a kind manner.

9.       Pursue a passion.

10.   Get moving—toward anything you love.



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Moon Void of Course:

This is the time when the Moon makes its last major angular aspect with a planet before it moves into the next zodiacal sign tropically. This void time, when the Moon is not aspecting a planet, but rather floating on its own, is a time when things don’t come together and it is difficult to make good decisions. Purchases made during void Moons often turn out to be unsatisfactory and not work out. Appointments often don’t come together, and meetings don’t result in progress or sound, lasting decisions. We more easily get lost or meander in trying to get somewhere. The VoC Moon times for the next month are listed below so that you can plan meetings, decisions, and purchases at times when the Moon is not VoC; and use the void times for gardening, reading, and routine task work.

Void-of-Course Moon times for the month ahead (one lunar cycle):

Pacific Standard Time:

April 22 at 4:23 p.m. through April 23 at 8:19 a.m. (Moon into Scorpio)

April 25: 4:16 p.m. -6:36 p.m. (Moon into Sagittarius)

April 28: 12:30 a.m.- 2:37 a.m. (Moon into Capricorn)April 30: 8:18 a.m.-8:19 a.m. (Moon into Aquarius)

May 2: 2:28 a.m.-11:51 a.m. (Moon into Pisces)

May 4: 12:06 p.m.-1:40 p.m. (Moon into Aries)

May 5 at 10:56 p.m. through May 6 at 2:41 p.m. (Moon into Taurus)

May 8: 2:55 p.m.-4:20 p.m. (Moon into Gemini)

May 10: 6:48 p.m.-8:12 p.m. (Moon into Cancer)

May 13 (2:12 a.m.-3:35 a.m.) Moon into Leo

May 15: 9:40 a.m.-2:32 p.m. (Moon into Virgo)

May 18: 2:08 a.m.-3:22 a.m. (Moon into Libra)

May 19 at 8:48 a.m. through May 20 at 3:33 p.m. (Moon into Scorpio)

GMT (Greenwich Mean Time):

April 21: 0:19-4:08 (Moon into Libra)

April 22 at 23:23 through April 23 at 15:19 (Moon into Scorpio)

April 25 at 23:16 through April 26 at 1:36 (Moon into Sagittarius)

April 28: 7:30-9:37 (Moon into Capricorn)April 30: 15:18-15:19 (Moon into Aquarius)

May 2: 9:28-18:51 (Moon into Pisces)

May 4: 19:06-20:40 (Moon into Aries)

May 6 at 5:56-21:41 (Moon into Taurus)

May 8: 21:55-23:20 (Moon into Gemini)

May 11: 1:48-3:12 (Moon into Cancer)

May 13 9:12-10:35 (Moon into Leo)

May 15: 16:40-21:32 (Moon into Virgo)

May 18: 7:08-10:22 (Moon into Libra)

May 19 at 15:48 through May 20 at 22:33 (Moon into Scorpio)


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