In the Stars August 1-8, 2021...shining light on the astrology of the week: New Moon August 8
The Sun continues to shine in Leo, its’ ruling sign where it is strong. Leo symbolizes courage, confidence, generosity, entertainment, children, and play. It is time to kick back on summer vacation. Venus is in Virgo for the next two weeks, calling us to get our lives into shipshape. Sunday, August 8th sports an intense New Moon that connects with the ongoing Saturn-Uranus square. The New Moon squares Uranus and is opposite Saturn. While there could be earth-shaking events that occur, this alignment is also an invitation to make a new move toward big change in your personal life.
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On Sunday the Taurus Moon makes numerous weighty aspects. Saturn opposes the Sun and Mercury, perhaps resulting in feelings of frustration and limitation. At the same time, limitations force focus. The Moon makes a benefic trine to Pluto, a powerful, driving aspect that fuels productivity. Lean in and make this day count.
Monday starts with a hard, pushy edge as the Gemini Moon squares Mars. As the day wears on we relax into easier energies (Moon trine Saturn; Venus trine Uranus). There may be a surprising twist or turn.
Thoughts and ideas are supercharged on Tuesday due to a Mercury-Uranus square. The Moon makes a benefic sextile in the morning, generating activity in the mind early in the day. These alignments also connect with Saturn and Chiron, giving maverick, focused, holistic thinking, especially as a result of connection and communication. Expect to understand new perspectives.
On a Gemini Moon-Jupiter trine I embark on a 2-week trip to Greece on Wednesday. I didn’t plan the trip timing based on planetary features, but it aligns extremely well. Gemini is the sign of travel, generally short distance travel, and Sagittarius is the sign symbolizing long distance travel. At the start of the trip this Moon is exactly opposite my travel-loving Sagittarius Moon. A Sun-Chiron trine later in the day highlights inner wisdom and maverick thinking, and mirrors my own exact Sun-Chiron trine. For all, a Moon-Mars sextile may give us a boost of energy toward the end of the day to make our home cleaner, and thus more comfortable. The Moon-Jupiter trine is expansive.
The focus is on home and family on Thursday and Friday with the Moon in Cancer. Emotions run strong; we may feel easily hurt as the Moon squares Chiron. Cook some comfort food, water your garden, and cozy up with family.
The compassionate Cancer Moon makes a trine to Neptune, softening our feelings and giving inspiration. This energy will be needed as the Moon marches on to a tense opposition to Chiron. Another volatile aspect is the Sun’s square to Uranus. Something unexpected could happen with these powerful aspects involving the outer planets, including a dramatic event.
On Saturday and Sunday the Moon will be in playful Leo. The day may be subdued with the Moon opposing Saturn, igniting the Uranus-Saturn square that symbolizes change. The Moon is dark, signaling a time to draw inward.
A dramatic New Moon perfects on Sunday, squaring Uranus and opposing Saturn, with a Mercury-Jupiter opposition looped in. I have been writing about the pulsing of the Moon each week as it connects with the Saturn-Uranus square, pushing us toward change collectively and personally. On Sunday both the Sun and the Moon align to this square. Uranus, the planet symbolizing reversals and awakening, is particularly tight in aspect to the New Moon. This may result in some big life-changing events around the planet or something significant in your own life. This is a good day for a creative writing project, or just about anything out of the ordinary that could benefit from fresh ideas.
The early part of this week is staged for clean-up with the Moon in Virgo through mid-day Wednesday, August 11th. The work-focused, efficient Virgo Moon is usually on task, but Monday’s Venus-Neptune opposition softens and widens the lens, and we may be distracted. The Venus-Neptune aspect is also artistic and visionary. The diverse energies combine to make our work inspired as well as productive. We could paint a room more wondrous and colorful, write a story, or re-vision a project. A Moon-Mars conjunction at the end of the day re-directs our focus toward what is most essential.
The Week in Short:
Sunday: Productive day that may harbor frustrations and irritations.
Monday: Edgy morning which eases as the day wears on. Expect surprises.
Tuesday: Connection and communication are supercharged and result in new perspectives and ideas.
Wednesday: Curiosity is piqued. Take a short distance trip, and tidy your nest.
Thursday: Emotionally sensitive day. Cozy up at home with your family.
Friday: Volatile day with unexpected twists and turns.
Saturday: Somber day that pulses with change. Dark Moon-draw inward.
Sunday: New Moon calls for creativity and change. A good day for writing or a creative project.
Monday: Expansive, productive day, perhaps with a few distractions.
Ten Things to Do with Venus in Virgo (July 23-August 17)
1. Make your life shipshape. 2. Organize your work space. 3. Deep clean your home. 4. Take a self-improvement course. 5. Expand your work. 6. Do a 3-day cleanse. 7. Eat a pure diet during this time. 8. Amplify your health regime. 9. Read a book on diet, exercise, or health. 10. Attend to the details in your job that call for attention.
Moon Void-of-Course: This is the time when the Moon makes its last major angular aspect with a planet before it moves into the next zodiacal sign tropically. This void time, when the Moon is not aspecting a planet, but rather floating on its own, is a time when things don’t come together and it is difficult to make good decisions. Purchases made during void Moons often turn out to be unsatisfactory and not work out. Appointments often don’t come together, and meetings don’t result in progress or sound, lasting decisions. We more easily get lost or meander in trying to get somewhere. The VoC Moon times for the next month are listed below so that you can plan meetings, decisions, and purchases at times when the Moon is not VoC; and use the void times for gardening, reading, and routine task work. Void-of-Course Moon times for the month ahead (one lunar cycle): Pacific Standard Time:
August 2: 12:40 a.m. – 1:46 a.m. (Moon into Gemini)
August 4: 12:37 p.m. - 2:16 p.m. (Moon into Cancer)
August 6 at 3:11 p.m. through August 7 at 12:31 a.m. (Moon into Leo)
August 9: 5:22 a.m. – 7:55 a.m. (Moon into Virgo)
August 11: 4:21 a.m. – 1:07 p.m. (Moon into Libra)
August 13: 1:38 p.m. – 5:01 p.m. (Moon into Scorpio)
August 15: 8:04 p.m. – 8:11 p.m. (Moon into Sagittarius)
August 17: 6:42 p.m. – 10:57 p.m. (Moon into Capricorn)
August 19 at 4:59 p.m. through August 20 at 1:48 a.m. (Moon into Aquarius)
August 22: 5:01 a.m. – 5:42 a.m. (Moon into Pisces)
August 24: 2:12 a.m. – 11:56 a.m. (Moon into Aries)
august 26: 2:14 p.m.
GMT (Greenwich Mean Time):
August 2: 7:40 – 8:46 (Moon into Gemini)
August 4: 19:37 -21:16 (Moon into Cancer)
August 6 at 23:11 through August 7 at 7:31 (Moon into Leo)
August 9: 12:22 – 14:55 (Moon into Virgo)
August 11: 11:21 – 18:07 (Moon into Libra)
August 13 at 18:38 through August 14 at 0:01 (Moon into Scorpio)
August 16: 3:04 – 3:11 (Moon into Sagittarius)
August 18: 1:42 – 5:57 (Moon into Capricorn)
August 19 at 11:59 through August 20 at 8:48 (Moon into Aquarius)
August 22: 12:01 – 12:42 (Moon into Pisces)
Copyright Cathy Coleman 2021