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In the Stars March 6-13, 2022...shining light on the astrology of the week

The past two weeks have been heavy with angry, volatile energy, unfortunately corresponding with the outbreak of Russia's aggressive attach on the Ukraine. The week ahead is lighter than the last two weeks, thankfully. Jupiter is moving closer to its conjunction with Neptune in April; as a result, we are feeling more inspired and forgiving. May the peaceful possibilities of the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Pisces spread across Russia and the Ukraine and bring new, compassionate solutions to conflict.

Joyful news is the birth of my granddaughter Auvryn Linnell Smith Jacobson, on Sunday morning February 27th at 6:41 a.m. in Boston, daughter of my son, Eli, and his wife, Sabrina.

The Sun is in Pisces tropically for another two weeks, illuminating qualities of imagination, inspiration, intuition, and creativity. Visit art galleries. Paint pictures. Play music. Write poems. Express your creative inspiration. We are finishing the annual cycle of the Zodiac. Daylight Savings Time begins Sunday, March 13. The Spring Equinox, the beginning of Aries tropically, is March 20.

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The rumbling of the last few days continues on Sunday with the Taurus Moon’s conjunction with Uranus. Mercury squares the nodal axis, provoking us to weigh our options. The Moon is exalted in Taurus where it delights in pleasures of the senses. In contrast to the unsettling, tense energy of the past week, indulge in delicious food, inspire yourself with good music, and make your environment more comfortable and beautiful.

The fixed earth Taurus Moon on Monday makes for a productive day. The Moon makes a benefic sextile to the Sun and Jupiter, giving optimism and buoyancy. Yet, a Moon-Saturn square reminds us of limitations and responsibilities.

We may wake up irritable due to the Moon’s square to Mercury. However, a Moon-Pluto trine in Taurus and Capricorn respectively supports an industrious day. After the Moon moves into Gemini at 10:39 a.m. PST, it makes benefic trines to Venus and Mars. We are curious, friendly, and open to opportunities the day may offer. A Ceres-Moon conjunction in the evening fosters connection with family.

Mercury moves into Pisces where it is in its fall until March 28 This means that Mercury has a weaker expression in Pisces than in other signs. Communication could be cloudy and confused. The Gemini Moon squares Jupiter in Pisces. We may be prone to oversharing. Be mindful of saying something you may later regret. However, this Moon-Jupiter alignment illuminates truths and inspires hope.

The Moon is void of course all day Thursday, adrift from 8:42 a.m. until 11:24 p.m. PST. The Moon is in square aspect to Neptune in Pisces, scattering our energy. This is a day to relax. Stick to routine tasks, and do not waste time on meetings in which little is likely to be accomplished. This would be a good day for gardening, reading, or catching up in conversation with siblings or friends.

Our dreams may offer insights as we awaken Friday morning, thanks to a Moon-Mercury water trine. An opportune Moon-Uranus sextile calls for a freedom from restriction. This corresponds to the lifting of the mask mandate in California schools. Indeed, this will be a day for most students to celebrate. The weekend is framed for family time.

Saturday is uplifted by a Moon-Jupiter trine. Enjoy tending to matters at home on this weekend day. We are called to cook, garden, and putter doing home projects. Pull out a photo album and revisit family memories.

Sunday is loaded with the heavy weight of Pluto opposing the Cancer Moon. The Moon is void of course from 8:44 a.m. to 12:31 p.m. PDT (we are now in Daylight Savings Time, having sprung an hour forward). The morning is demanding, but at 12:31 p.m. the Moon moves into Leo, calling us to play. The Sun is conjunct Neptune, infusing us with vision and inspiration. The Moon opposes Venus and Mars enlivening the evening.

A Moon-Uranus square mid-day Monday may bring something unexpected. The Pisces Sun makes a benefic sextile to the North Node, giving compassion, and drawing us toward peace and forgiveness.

The Week in Short:

Sunday: Stability and instability are present. Delight your senses with good food and music.

Monday: Optimism and buoyancy abounds, yet we are reminded of our limitations and responsibilities.

Tuesday: Industrious day inviting curiosity and new opportunities.

Wednesday: We are prone to overshare. Be mindful in your exuberance.

Thursday: Moon VoC all day 8:42 a.m. – 11:24 p.m. PST. Handle routine tasks, garden, or read. Call a sibling.

Friday: We want to break free of restrictions and cozy up for a weekend focused on family.

Saturday: Cook, garden, and work on home projects.

Sunday: After a demanding morning with the Moon VoC from 8:44 a.m. to 12:31 p.m., lighten up and play in the afternoon. Vision and inspiration infuse the day.

Monday: Unexpected events or diversions may occur. Experience something new.

Ten Things to Do with Venus in Aquarius (March 6-April 6, 2022)

1. Express love and appreciation to your friends.

2. Change your dress toward more colorful and unique.

3. Learn about another culture through reading or watching a movie.

4. Gather with friends more often during this period—and enjoy them.

5. Explore and consider joining a new group to expand your life.

6. Make a contribution to one or more of your favorite social causes.

7. Make new friends.

8. Host a dinner party with a group of diverse friends.

9. Read a book about turning the tide of humanity such as The Ministry of the Future by Kim Stanley Robinson.

10.Treat yourself to an astrology reading.

Moon Void-of-Course: This is the time when the Moon makes its last major angular aspect with a planet before it moves into the next zodiacal sign tropically. This void time, when the Moon is not aspecting a planet, but rather floating on its own, is a time when things don’t come together and it is difficult to make good decisions. Purchases made during void Moons often turn out to be unsatisfactory and not work out. Appointments often don’t come together, and meetings don’t result in progress or sound, lasting decisions. We more easily get lost or meander in trying to get somewhere. The VoC Moon times for the next month are listed below so that you can plan meetings, decisions, and purchases at times when the Moon is not VoC; and use the void times for gardening, reading, and routine task work.

Void-of-Course Moon times for the month ahead (one lunar cycle): Pacific Standard Time: March 8: 6:34 a.m. – 10:39 a.m. (Moon into Gemini)

March 10: 8:42 a.m. – 11:24 p.m. (Moon into Cancer)

March 13: 8:44 a.m. -12:31 p.m. (Moon into Leo)

March 15: 3:55 a.m. – 9:58 p.m. (Moon into Virgo)

March 18: 1:11 a.m. – 4:25 a.m. (Moon into Libra)

March 20: 5:39 a.m. - 8:44 a.m. (Moon into Scorpio)

March 22: 9:00 a.m. – 11:58 a.m. (Moon into Sagittarius)

March 24: 5:58 a.m. – 2:53 p.m. (Moon into Capricorn)

March 26: 4:50 p.m. – 5:55 p.m. (Moon into Aquarius)

March 28: 7:11 a.m. – 9:31 p.m. (Moon into Pisces)

March 30 at 11:36 p.m. through March 31 at 2:30 a.m. (Moon into Aries)

April 2: 6:51 p.m. – 9:50 a.m. (Moon into Taurus) GMT (Greenwich Mean Time):

March 6: 4:01 – 7:59 (Moon into Taurus)

March 8: 12:34 – 18:39 (Moon into Gemini)

March 10 at 16:42 through March 11 at 7:24 (Moon into Cancer)

March 13:15:44 -19:31 (Moon into Leo)

March 15 at 10:55 through March 16 at 4:58 (Moon into Virgo)

March 18: 8:11 – 11:25 (Moon into Libra)

March 20: 12:39 - 15:44 (Moon into Scorpio)

March 22: 16:00 – 18:58 (Moon into Sagittarius)

March 24: 12:58 – 21:53 (Moon into Capricorn)

March 26 at 23:50 through March 27 at 0:55 (Moon into Aquarius)

March 28 at 14:11 through March 29 at 4:31 (Moon into Pisces)

March 31: 6:36 - 9:30 (Moon into Aries)

April 2: 13:51 – 16:50 a.m. (Moon into Taurus)

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