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In the Stars February 14-21, 2021...shining light on the astrology of the week

The Chinese Year of the Ox was ushered in on Friday, February 12th. The Year of the Ox is about hard work, duty, discipline, and building. It is about following through on projects begun in the 2020 Rat year. The Ox is about solidity and stability. The task of the Ox is to plow the field and work diligently.

Six planets are still in Aquarius tropically (Capricorn sidereally) for a few more days. On Thursday the Sun moves into Pisces, a more emotional, ethereal, creative energy. Pisces is the last zodiacal sign and corresponds with the last month of winter.

Mercury is still in retrograde until Saturday, February 20. There are a few more days for review, re-thinking, and re-working projects and commitments. Remember that communication, both oral and written, can become more easily confused. So check things twice, and be gentle and forgiving with people when there are mix-ups. If things aren’t coming together, allow for shifting perspectives to re-arrange and re-align. Mercury goes direct in motion on Saturday, and then we can move forward with contracts and plans, though Mercury will be in its shadow period until February 28th, and throughout this period there will still be some of the effects of Mercury retrograde at play.

This week harbors the first of three Saturn-Uranus squares on Wednesday. This alignment may result in some earth-shaking, surprising events. The energy is powerful, so harness it for good. You could make amazing breakthroughs, or invest it in powerful initiatives for personal or social change.

Aquarius, where Saturn resides, symbolizes new thinking, innovation, and concerns about community and social justice. Taurus, where Uranus resides, symbolizes habits and practical, grounded sensual energy. These mixed energies of change and consolidation reach their peak on Wednesday, and may result in a thunderous event. This could be evidenced by breaking through a bad habit and changing it to a better one; or breaking out of an outgrown job and landing a new one; or working through an old fear and moving past it. The Saturn-Uranus square is this year’s highlighted planetary theme: breakthrough and consolidation, with exact squares February 17th, June 10th, and December 24th.

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After a restful night, we are ready for adventure on Sunday as the Moon ingresses into Aries. Mercury conjuncts Jupiter, amplifying ideas, particularly good for re-thinking things due to the retrograde Mercury. A benefic Moon-Saturn sextile can help us find practical ways to express our love on this Valentine’s Day.

The work week starts in the light of the Aries Moon that wants to get moving on Monday. The Moon makes benefic sextiles to Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus in Aquarius, offering opportunities. Independence and freedom are themes.

Tuesday is edgy with the Aries Moon square to Pluto. We can feel pushed, and perhaps bullied. The Saturn-Uranus energy is strong just before its perfection on Wednesday. We are pushed out of our comfort zone, perhaps into some chaos and uncertainty that may be necessary for the next step.

Wednesday is one of the most eventful days astrologically of 2021, as it is the first of three exact Saturn-Uranus squares, this one at 11:08 a.m., at 7:13 degrees of Taurus. The Moon is in Taurus also at this degree on Wednesday, shining more light on the special alignment. While the Saturn-Uranus square is a general theme for all of 2021, the energy is especially strong on this day. There may be big breakthroughs and earth-shaking events. Strong themes of forced change may appear. The Moon also squares Jupiter, expanding the themes of great change.

The Sun enters Pisces tropically on Thursday, ushering in a month dedicated to dreams, visions, creativity, and artistic endeavors. Symbolized by two fish, this mutable water sign is ethereal, impressionable, and flowing. The day is softer than the last couple of days, and yet the day is powerful, as the Taurus Moon is energized by a conjunction with active Mars, and a bold, dynamic trine with Pluto.

The urge to connect is strong on Friday as the Moon moves into chatty Gemini. However, connections could be elusive. The Moon squares the Sun, marking the first quarter square of the lunar cycle. Relationships may be tested by the stubborn Venus-Mars square in fixed signs. The Moon makes benefic aspects to Chiron and Saturn. and helps to ease any fixed tension.

Mercury turns direct on Saturday afternoon at 4:51 p.m. PST, marking the forward motion of the planet symbolizing communication. The Gemini Moon makes benefic aspects with Mercury and Jupiter, amplifying ideas. This would be a good day for writing, or for a Zoom meeting, or for an important phone call that’s been waiting to happen.

Venus and the asteroid Pallas Athena conjunct, perhaps focusing us on equal rights for women. Women will be standing up for themselves, and will want to be honored. The Moon makes a flowing trine, energizing these two planets. Ideas flow, as these planets are in air signs. The Moon is void of course almost all day from 10:39 a.m. until 7:52 p.m. PST, so focus on routine, insignificant tasks during this time, and don’t waste your time on meetings or issues calling for decisions.

The Moon is in Cancer on Monday which is a relatively quiet day astrologically. A Moon-Uranus sextile invites us to think more independently about home and family matters. Do something different to make your home more comfortable or beautiful.

The Week in Short:

Sunday: Heed the call to adventure, and generate brilliant ideas.

Monday: Energetic day. Seize opportunities.

Tuesday: Edgy day; we are pushed out of our comfort zones.

Wednesday: The first of three Saturn-Uranus squares in 2021, heralding big change.

Thursday: Soft and dreamy day, yet energized and powerful.

Friday: A day for connection and conversation. Relationships can become entangled, but we can resolve the issues.

Saturday: Mercury goes direct. Communicate and connect.

Sunday: Ideas flow. Women want to be treated well and respected. Moon VoC 10:39 a.m. – 7:52 p.m., so attend to routine tasks.

Monday: Focus on home and family, and expect some surprises.

Ten Things to Do with Venus in Aquarius (February 1-24, 2021)

1. Express love and appreciation to your friends.

2. Dress more colorfully and uniquely.

3. Read a book about a notable African American in honor of Black History Month.

4. Gather with old and new friends on Zoom.

5. Explore and consider joining a new group.

6. Make a contribution to your favorite social causes.

7. Reach out to an old friend and check in.

8. Consider how you can be more engaged in your community.

9. It’s OK to want more freedom and independence in relationships at this time.

10. Think up some unusual dates—or ways to socially connect. Aquarius likes anything that is unconventional.

Moon Void-of-Course: This is the time when the Moon makes its last major angular aspect with a planet before it moves into the next zodiacal sign tropically. This void time, when the Moon is not aspecting a planet, but rather floating on its own, is a time when things don’t come together and it is difficult to make good decisions. Purchases made during void Moons often turn out to be unsatisfactory and not work out. Appointments often don’t come together, and meetings don’t result in progress or sound, lasting decisions. We more easily get lost or meander in trying to get somewhere. The VoC Moon times for the next month are listed below so that you can plan meetings, decisions, and purchases at times when the Moon is not VoC; and use the void times for gardening, reading, and routine task work. Void-of-Course Moon times for the month ahead (one lunar cycle): Pacific Standard Time:

February 13 at 11:28 pm through February 14 at 7:53 am (Moon into Aries)

February 16: 4:16 pm – 7:11 pm (Moon into Taurus)

February 18 at 11:27 pm through February 19 at 8:03 am (Moon into Gemini)

February 21: 10:39 am – 7:52 pm (Moon into Cancer)

February 23 at 8:53 pm through February 22 at 4:22 am (Moon into Leo)

February 26: 3:31 am – 9:07 am (Moon into Virgo)

February 28: 7:57 am – 11:16 am (Moon into Libra)

March 2: 6:10 am – 12:38 pm (Moon into Scorpio)

March 4: 8:10 am – 2:43 pm (Moon into Sagittarius)

March 6: 1:44 am – 6:20 pm (Moon into Capricorn)

March 8: 4:52 pm – 11:40 pm (Moon into Aquarius)

March 10 at 7:31 pm through March 11 at 6:43 am (Moon into Pisces)

March 13: 8:37 am – 3:43 pm (Moon into Aries)

GMT (Greenwich Mean Time):

February 14: 6:28 - 15:53 (Moon into Aries)

February 17: 0:16 – 15:11 (Moon into Taurus)

February 19: 7:27 - 15:03 (Moon into Gemini)

February 21 at 18:39 through February 22 at 3:52 (Moon into Cancer)

February 22: 4:52 - 12:22 (Moon into Leo)

February 26: 11:31 – 17:07 (Moon into Virgo)

February 28: 15:57 – 19:16 (Moon into Libra)

March 2: 14:10 – 20:38 (Moon into Scorpio)

March 4: 16:10 – 22:43 (Moon into Sagittarius)

March 6 at 9:44 through March 7 at 4:20 (Moon into Capricorn)

March 9: 0:52 – 7:40 (Moon into Aquarius)

March 11: 3:31 - 14:43 (Moon into Pisces)

March 13: 16:37 – 23:43 (Moon into Aries)

Copyright Cathy Coleman, 2021


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