In the Stars February 21-28, 2021...shining light on the astrology of the week: Full Moon
The Sun is now in Pisces, a sign of compassion, sensitivity, and emotion. Pisces is the last zodiacal sign. This mutable sign symbolizes the transition from winter to spring. On Thursday Venus also moves into Pisces and brings more inspiration, creativity, and flow.
Mercury has just gone direct. We can now move forward with contracts and plans, though Mercury will be in its shadow period until February 28th, and throughout this period there will still be some of the effects of Mercury retrograde at play.
Last week held the first of three Saturn-Uranus squares, an alignment promoting breakthrough and consolidation of new forms. The Saturn-Uranus square is this year’s highlighted planetary theme; there are two more exact squares June 10th, and December 24th.
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Mercury turns direct on Saturday afternoon at 4:51 p.m. PST, marking the forward motion of the planet symbolizing communication. On Sunday Venus and the asteroid Pallas Athena conjunct, perhaps focusing us on equal rights for women. Women will be standing up for themselves, and will want to be honored. The Moon makes a flowing trine, energizing these two planets. Ideas flow, as these planets are in air signs. The Moon is void of course almost all day Sunday from 10:39 a.m. until 7:52 p.m. PST, so focus on routine, insignificant tasks during this time, and don’t plan on shopping or engaging in issues calling for decisions.
The Moon is in Cancer on Monday, a relatively quiet day astrologically. A Moon-Uranus sextile invites us to think more independently about home and family matters. Do something special to make your home more comfortable or beautiful.
Tuesday morning is soft, compassionate, and inspiring in the light of a Moon-Neptune trine. The Cancer Moon draws us toward cooking and gardening, and tending to home and family. As the day wears on it intensifies due to a Moon-Pluto opposition at 8:54 PM PDT. Emotional issues could be triggered.
Wednesday is a day of strong alignments. The Moon shines in bright and playful Leo. Mars and Pluto make an exact trine, giving confidence and drive. At the time of the Mars-Pluto exact trine the Moon squares Uranus and opposes Saturn, forming a tense T-square. We may be confronted with some surprising issues to deal with, and we will have the courage to do so.
On Thursday Venus moves into Pisces, its sign of exaltation, or greatest strength. For the next three weeks Venus in Pisces will amplify compassion, inspiration, creativity, and kindness. The Sun makes a benefic sextile with Uranus, encouraging independence and the expression of our individual uniqueness. The Leo Moon opposes Jupiter; express the exuberance of this aspect by lavishing appreciation on someone.
Friday draws us to that time of the month for getting our lives in good order. Both Friday and Saturday call for cleaning up and getting organized, and efficiently tackling your “to do” list. The Moon is at its brightest, perfecting as a Full Moon at 12:17 a.m. on Saturday, drawing together the fluidity of Pisces with the precision of Virgo. This combination can result in the accomplishment of creative projects as Pisces’ creative ideas meet up with Virgo’s practical applications.
Employ the last hours of the Virgo Moon to complete tasks and put things in order on Sunday morning. Boosting Virgo’s industrious energy is the Moon's alignment in a grand earth trine with Pluto and Mars. This is a super-charged aspect. Rather than allowing a usual leisurely Sunday morning, postpone the languishing and put this productive energy to work. At 11:16 a.m. the Moon moves into Libra and invites us to a gracious, social day of pleasure. Relax and enjoy the rest of Sunday with your beloved.
The Libra Moon makes happy trines with Mercury and Jupiter on Monday, giving a boost of good energy for the work week ahead. This first day of March is calm and peaceful. Make your surroundings more beautiful.
The Week in Short:
Saturday: Mercury goes direct. Communicate and connect.
Sunday: Ideas flow. Women want to be honored. Moon VoC 10:39 a.m. – 7:52 p.m., so attend to routine tasks.
Monday: Focus on home and family, and expect some surprises.
Tuesday: Soft and compassionate morning; emotional issues may need to be addressed as the day wears on.
Wednesday: Bold, bright day full of courage and drive.
Thursday: Exuberant day that encourages your unique expression. Lavish appreciation on someone.
Friday: Time to put your life in order and get things done.
Saturday: Full Moon: Creativity and industry combine to accomplish creative projects.
Sunday: Super-charged industrious morning. Relax and enjoy Sunday afternoon and evening.
Monday: Positive, buoyant energy for the work week, and the new month of March. Beautify your surroundings.
Moon Void-of-Course: This is the time when the Moon makes its last major angular aspect with a planet before it moves into the next zodiacal sign tropically. This void time, when the Moon is not aspecting a planet, but rather floating on its own, is a time when things don’t come together and it is difficult to make good decisions. Purchases made during void Moons often turn out to be unsatisfactory and not work out. Appointments often don’t come together, and meetings don’t result in progress or sound, lasting decisions. We more easily get lost or meander in trying to get somewhere. The VoC Moon times for the next month are listed below so that you can plan meetings, decisions, and purchases at times when the Moon is not VoC; and use the void times for gardening, reading, and routine task work. Void-of-Course Moon times for the month ahead (one lunar cycle): Pacific Standard Time:
February 21: 10:39 am – 7:52 pm (Moon into Cancer)
February 23 at 8:53 pm through February 22 at 4:22 am (Moon into Leo)
February 26: 3:31 am – 9:07 am (Moon into Virgo)
February 28: 7:57 am – 11:16 am (Moon into Libra)
March 2: 6:10 am – 12:38 pm (Moon into Scorpio)
March 4: 8:10 am – 2:43 pm (Moon into Sagittarius)
March 6: 1:44 am – 6:20 pm (Moon into Capricorn)
March 8: 4:52 pm – 11:40 pm (Moon into Aquarius)
March 10 at 7:31 pm through March 11 at 6:43 am (Moon into Pisces)
March 13: 8:37 am – 3:43 pm (Moon into Aries)
March 15 at 8:40 pm through March 16 at 3:56 am (Moon into Taurus)
March 18: 1:39 pm – 4:46 pm (Moon into Gemini)
March 21: 5:03 am -5:17 am (Moon into Cancer)
GMT (Greenwich Mean Time):
February 21 at 18:39 through February 22 at 3:52 (Moon into Cancer)
February 22: 4:52 - 12:22 (Moon into Leo)
February 26: 11:31 – 17:07 (Moon into Virgo)
February 28: 15:57 – 19:16 (Moon into Libra)
March 2: 14:10 – 20:38 (Moon into Scorpio)
March 4: 16:10 – 22:43 (Moon into Sagittarius)
March 6 at 9:44 through March 7 at 4:20 (Moon into Capricorn)
March 9: 0:52 – 7:40 (Moon into Aquarius)
March 11: 3:31 - 14:43 (Moon into Pisces)
March 13: 16:37 – 23:43 (Moon into Aries)
March 16: 4:40 - 11:56 (Moon into Taurus)
March 18 at 21:39 through March 19 at 0:46 (Moon into Gemini)
March 21: 13:03 - 13:17 (Moon into Cancer)