In the Stars January 12-19, 2025 . . . Shining Light on the Astrology of the Week

2025 Class Offering: Astrological Chart Reading/Interpretation Class Starts January 30, On Zoom, with Recordings Provided
$350, To register, click here.
9 Thursdays starting January 30, 2025 from 4:30 pm-6 pm Pacific Time: Assuming a basic knowledge of planets and signs, this class will be an introduction to reading a horoscope. It will include a focus on elements and modalities, houses, aspects, dignities, nodes, planetary patterns, Contact me at
Overview of the Week Ahead:
The Sun shines in the cardinal earth sign Capricorn until January 19. The next week holds strong energy for work and accomplishing goals. The cardinal signs (Capricorn, Aries, Cancer, and Libra) are action oriented. Make things happen!
· The Quadrantid meteor shower peaks on Jan. 3 but is visible until around Jan. 12. At its height it can produce up to 120 meteors per hour. They’re typically easy to spot if conditions are right.
· Jan. 13 brings the year’s first full moon, dubbed the Wolf Moon. This one is special because it will pass over Mars in a phenomenon called occultation. Most people in the U.S. will have a chance to watch the red planet disappear behind the moon and then reappear.
· By mid to late month, a parade of planets including Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn can be spotted with the naked eye. Neptune and Uranus will be visible via telescope.
January’s Full Moon (13th in the U.S. and the 14th in GMT) is nearly conjunct Mars. A couple of hours after it’s exact fullness, the Moon conjuncts Mars exactly at 27 degrees of Cancer. The Sabian Symbol for this degree is “A violent Storm in a Residential Canyon Filled with Valuable Homes.” It may be that more will come to light about the Pacific Palisades and other fires in Los Angeles.
Mercury is in Capricorn, giving practical, discerning thinking to the earthy mix through its stay in the industrious sign until January 29.
Venus moves toward a conjunction with Saturn exact on Friday and through the weekend. This aspect invites us to attend to our finances. Make an appointment with your tax accountant or with yourself to work on your 2024 taxes. Make new commitments in relationships.
The Mars-Pluto opposition has reached its exactitude, though it is within orb through the presidential inauguration, January 20. This dynamic, raging fury has unleashed the Southern California fires, in addition to the recent New Orleans terrorist road rage and the plane crash in South Korea. However, it can be harnessed for good to accomplish something demanding, like running a race, doing some heavy lifting, or tackling a challenging project, so lean in and use this energy wisely the next couple of weeks. After Mars turns direct February 24, the red planet will not be exactly opposite Pluto again until April 26.
Retrograde Jupiter is also backing off its square to Saturn, easing the tension between expansion and contraction. Retrograde Jupiter stations to move direct on February 3, and does not square Saturn again until June.
Planetary Pointers for the week ahead:
· Plan the week, month, and year ahead and set goals.
· Be ambitious about getting chores and tasks completed.
· Restructure relationships to be more supportive; make new commitments.
· Attend to your finances, giving attention to your 2024 tax preparation.
Ten Things to Do with Venus in Pisces (January 2-February 5)
1. Forgive.
2. Express compassion and caring.
3. Paint a room in your home a fresh, beautiful color
4. Create an inspiring musical playlist.
5. Write a poem or a song.
6. Donate money and/or time to a cause that helps those in need.
7. Wear lovely clothes and jewelry and be beautiful.
8. Soak in the beauty of art through a visit to an art exhibit.
9. Infuse your life with beautiful, fragrant flowers.
10. Let your heart sing!
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To book an astrological consultation, contact Cathy at or visit her website at
Moon Void of Course:
This is the time when the Moon makes its last major angular aspect with a planet before it moves into the next zodiacal sign tropically. This void time, when the Moon is not aspecting a planet, but rather floating on its own, is a time when things don’t come together and it is difficult to make good decisions. Purchases made during void Moons often turn out to be unsatisfactory and not work out. Appointments often don’t come together, and meetings don’t result in progress or sound, lasting decisions. We more easily get lost or meander in trying to get somewhere. The VoC Moon times for the next month are listed below so that you can plan meetings, decisions, and purchases at times when the Moon is not VoC; and use the void times for gardening, reading, and routine task work.
Void-of-Course Moon times for the month ahead (one lunar cycle):
Pacific Standard Time:
January 13 at 8:45 pm through January 14 at 1:11 am (Moon into Leo)
January 15 at 8:09 pm through January 16 at 8:45 am (Moon into Virgo)
January 18: 6:01 pm-7:32 pm (Moon into Libra)
January 20 at 8:33 p.m. through January 21 at 8:19 a.m. (Moon into Scorpio)
January 23: 4:03 p.m.-8:28 p.m. (Moon into Sagittarius)
January 26: 1:39 a.m.-5:42 a.m. (Moon into Capricorn)
January 28: 7:48 am-11:31 am (Moon into Aquarius)
January 30: 3:28 am-2:52 pm (Moon into Pisces)
February 1: 2:05 pm-5:09 pm (Moon into Aries)
February 3: 2:19 am-7:33 pm (Moon into Taurus)
February 5: 7:29 pm-10:43 pm (Moon into Gemini)
February 7 at 11:51 pm through February 8 at 3:03 am (Moon into Cancer)
February 10: 5:09 am-9:00 am (Moon into Leo)
February 12: 11:11 am-5:06 pm (Moon into Virgo)
February 15: 12:35 am-3:44 am (Moon into Libra)
GMT (Greenwich Mean Time):
January 12: 0:03-16:23 (Moon into Cancer)
January 14: 4:45-9:11 (Moon into Leo)
January 16: 4:09-16:45 (Moon into Virgo)
January 18: 2:01-3:32 (Moon into Libra)
January 21: 4:33-16:19 (Moon into Scorpio)
January 24: 0:03-4:28 (Moon into Sagittarius)
January 26: 9:39-13:42 (Moon into Capricorn)
January 28: 15:48-19:31 (Moon into Aquarius)
January 30: 11:28-22:52 (Moon into Pisces)
February 1 at 22:05 through February 2 at 1:09 (Moon into Aries)
February 3: 10:19-15:33 (Moon into Taurus)
February 6: 3:29-6:43 (Moon into Gemini)
February 8: 7:51-11:03 (Moon into Cancer)
February 10: 13:09-17:00 (Moon into Leo)
February 12 at 19:11 through February 13 at 1:06 (Moon into Virgo)
February 15: 8:35-11:44 (Moon into Libra)
Copyright @ 2025 Cathy Coleman, All rights reserved.