In the Stars May 10-17, 2020...shining light on the astrology of the week
The Sun continues to shine in Taurus, drawing us toward beauty and comfort, and all things that please our senses. We move deeper into retrograde motion in the coming week with Saturn turning retrograde on Sunday, May 10th, joining Pluto already in retrograde since April 25th. Venus and Jupiter will soon follow, turning retrograde on May 12th and 14th respectively. Venus’ retrograde period is through June 25th. Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter are retrograde until September (Jupiter and Saturn) and October (Pluto). With this heavy dose of retrograde motion, it is difficult to march forward. Sheltering-in -place is affirmed by the retrograde planets. However, during the time these planets are in retrograde it is a good time to study, learn a new skill, and to work on projects that require research, focus, or concentration.
On a lighter note, just for fun, here are some baking recipes for the zodiac signs:
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Saturn goes retrograde on Mother's Day Sunday for a five-month backward trajectory until September 29th. A Mercury-Mars square makes us prone to arguments. The Moon moves back inside the arc of the Moon’s Nodes, creating a Kala Sarpa yoga (a Vedic astrological yoga pattern) which hems in all planets and gives a restrictive energy. The day’s energies may feel difficult. Go slow, and channel the demands into a writing project or some other demanding project that calls for written or verbal expression.
Monday is a powerful, perhaps turbulent, strong, productive work day. The Capricorn Moon conjuncts Pluto and Jupiter, and trines the Sun in Taurus. With Saturn moving retrograde, you may feel the demands of responsibility and the challenge of limitation. Dedicate yourself to your work.
Controls are loosened somewhat on Tuesday as the Moon moves into freedom-loving Aquarius. Mars moves into Pisces, and while Pisces is not Mars’ best placement, it can propel us toward humanitarian action, or bring out passive-aggressive behavior. Venus joins the retrograde brigade at 21:50 Gemini. Make a donation toward a favorite cause, and reach out and help your community.
The Moon continues to shine in Aquarius on Wednesday. There are few aspects, so it’s a relatively restful, free-spirited day. Reach out and connect with an old friend. Jupiter is stationary, at a standstill before it turns retrograde on Thursday. When planets are stationary, their energy is amplified. Thus, Wednesday is an expansive day.
On Thursday Jupiter joins the retrograde gang, the fourth and final (for a few months) planet to turn retrograde. We draw further inward. Focus on your own work and responsibilities, and regroup. We are at the beginning of a strong period of inner focus. The day also sports a powerful Sun-Pluto trine in earth signs. The Moon is void of course all day from 7:02 a.m. until 6:24 p.m., so focus on routine tasks. Lean in, work hard, and produce results.
Friday, Venus’ Day, is sweetened with an inspiring Pisces Moon. The Moon’s opportune sextile to Uranus adds sizzle and surprises. Express your creativity, and inspire yourself with music and beauty.
Saturday could be a creative, inspiring day; or it could be a day when we easily fall victim, are confused, or deluded. The Moon conjuncts Neptune in Pisces and makes a tense square to Venus. A Moon-Pluto sextile draws us into emotional depths. Take the high road and let your imagination soar. Express kindness, compassion, and hope.
Sunday is a bright and bold new day with the Moon entering action-oriented fiery Aries early in the morning. Jovial Jupiter makes an easy trine to Jupiter, lifting our spirits. The Moon conjuncts Chiron, drawing us to the vibrant aspects of life that make us feel whole.
Monday’s stage is set for adventure. While there are not many places we can go, take a hike or vigorous walk. The Aries Moon makes an opportune sextile to Venus. Channel your passion into a new, engaging project, or give special attention to those you love.
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The Week in Short:
Sunday: Saturn turns retrograde. We are prone to conflict, so be thoughtful in your interactions.
Monday: Powerful, turbulent, and potentially productive work day.
Tuesday: Embrace humanity and reach out and help your community. Venus turns retrograde.
Wednesday: Extend yourself to friends.
Thursday: Jupiter goes retrograde, and we draw inward. Powerful, expansive, productive day.
Friday: Sweet, inspiring day.
Saturday: Let your imagination soar.
Sunday: Bold, bright, active sunny day.
Monday: Passion is stirred. Engage in vigorous exercise, and allow your enthusiasm to lead you to a new project.
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Ten Things to Do with Venus in Gemini (April 3-August 7)
1. Explore your own book shelf and read some of the books that have been waiting for you.
2. Exercise flexibility in relationship.
3. Energize your social life through Zoom or phone calls. Keep the connections and conversation going.
4. Write cards or letters.
5. Walk in your neighborhood and community and see what you can discover.
6. Take an art or craft class online—there are many burgeoning now.
7. Connect with siblings, aunts, uncles, or cousins.
8. Think (and act) more flexibly with money matters—learn something new.
9. Play with words; write poetry or read some.
10. Do things you love that require both hands: play the piano, throw pottery, or ride your bicycle.
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Moon Void-of-Course: This is the time when the Moon makes its last major angular aspect with a planet before it moves into the next zodiacal sign tropically. This void time, when the Moon is not aspecting a planet, but rather floating on its own, is a time when things don’t come together and it’s difficult to make good decisions. Purchases made during void Moons often turn out to be unsatisfactory and not work out. Appointments often don’t come together, and meetings don’t result in progress or sound, lasting decisions. We more easily get lost or meander in trying to get somewhere. The VoC Moon times for the next month are listed below so that you can plan meetings, decisions, and purchases at times when the Moon is not VoC; and use the void times for gardening, reading, and routine task work.
Void-of-Course Moon times for the month ahead (one lunar cycle): Pacific Standard Time: May 9 at 11:10 p.m. through May 10 at 2:38 a.m. (Moon into Capricorn)
May 12: 3:29 a.m. – 8:38 a.m. (Moon into Aquarius)
May 14: 7:02 a.m. -6:24 p.m. (Moon into Pisces)
May 17: 12:59 a.m. - 6:33 a.m. (Moon into Aries)
May 19: 1:32 p.m. – 7:10 p.m. (Moon into Taurus)
May 22: 1:00 a.m. – 6:35 a.m. (Moon into Gemini)
May 24: 4:09 a.m. – 4:08 p.m. (Moon into Cancer)
May 26: 6:06 pm – 11:32 pm (Moon into Leo)
May 28 at 6:30 am – May 29 at 4:40 am (Moon into Virgo)
May 31: 2:16 am – 7:37 am (Moon into Libra)
June 2: 3:39 a.m. -9:05 a.m. (Moon into Scorpio)
June 4: 4:36 a.m. – 10:16 a.m. (Moon into Sagittarius)
June 5 at 9:10 p.m. through June 6 at 12:44 p.m. (Moon into Capricorn)
GMT (Greenwich Mean Time): May 10: 7:10 - 10:38 (Moon into Capricorn)
May 12: 11:29 – 16:38 (Moon into Aquarius)
May 14 at 15:02 through May 15 at 2:24 (Moon into Pisces)
May 17: 8:59 - 14:33 (Moon into Aries)
May 19 at 21:32 through May 20 at 3:10 (Moon into Taurus
May 22: 9:00 – 14:35 (Moon into Gemini)
May 24 at 12:09 through May 25 at 0:08 (Moon into Cancer)
May 27: 2:06 – 7:32 (Moon into Leo)
May 28 at 14:30 – May 29 at 12:40 (Moon into Virgo)
May 31: 10:16 – 15:37 (Moon into Libra)
June 2: 11:39 - 17:05 (Moon into Scorpio)
June 4: 12:36 – 18:16 (Moon into Sagittarius)
June 6: 5:10 - 20:44 (Moon into Capricorn)