In the Stars November 8-15, 2020...shining light on the astrology of the week: New Moon
This week begins with a Sun-Neptune trine. Take it easy for a couple of days. There has been so much tension and pressure demanding our attention. We can take a rest and rejoice.
The big planetary news this week is the third and final Jupiter-Pluto conjunction at 22-23 degrees of Capricorn, the first one being April 5th in the early stage of the advance of Covid-19. When this conjunction expresses positively, power can be galvanized through wisdom and knowledge; wealth and resources can be garnered for philanthropy. Big things can happen, and let’s direct it for good. We may experience some exaggeration of various matters. If these degrees influence your horoscope, you may expect financial or professional rewards.
Mercury is now direct, and Mars will go direct in the coming week. Joe Biden has been elected after a long period of uncertainty about the winner, to be expected with Mercury stationing direct on election day and Mars (as well as Uranus and Chiron) retrograde.
I write this with one ear to the news of the day that Biden has been elected, and that the vice-president-elect is African-American and Asian-American. I feel hopeful about the future evolution of better racial relations in our country. Potent, challenging planetary movements can bring radical change.
A New Moon in Scorpio emerges at the end of the week, Saturday night at 9:07 p.m. PST. When the Sun is in Scorpio as it is this month, we want to draw inward. In addition to the Scorpio Moon we have the dark Moon Thursday through Saturday before the New Moon. These are all days we need more solitary time than usual, and withdrawal from the world. Allow time for extra sleep toward the weekend.
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Sunday is a day for play and creative projects in the light of the Leo Moon. The Moon makes its last quarter square, signaling a time to close in on projects begun at the beginning of this lunar cycle on October 16th, and completing at the New Moon November 14th. Enjoy some special time with your children or grandchildren.
Monday is a day full of different energies. First, the Moon moves into Virgo early in the morning Pacific Time (5:30 a.m.), signaling 2 ½ industrious days for getting your life in good order. It’s the time of the month to clean and organize. Mars and Venus form an opposition, bringing a focus on relationships. Uranus trines the Moon, perhaps bringing a nice surprise! And the Sun and Neptune make a benefic trine, calling us to a higher vision and inspiration.
Tuesday is another day for getting a lot accomplished with the Moon in Virgo, giving us a green light to put our world in good order. With Neptune opposing the Moon mid-day, perhaps the work would go better with some inspiring music to help you dance through it. Benefic aspects to powerful planets give tremendous drive and power to do strong work.
On Wednesday, Veteran’s Day, the focus is on relating. It’s a relatively quiet day in the cosmos. Express gratitude to our veterans. Many Americans have a holiday, and the Libra Moon encourages us to move through the day with grace and ease. Enjoy a beautiful dinner at a well set table; you may be the one to create it.
The third and final Jupiter-Pluto conjunction occurs on Thursday, Jupiter’s big day, and an extremely potent day. Pallas Athena joins this potent conjunction—all three of these planets within a few minutes of each other. Saturn stands only a few degrees away, adding gravity to this powerful alignment. The Libra Moon squares this powerful conjunction in Capricorn giving immense power for good or bad. Mars is at a standstill, ready to go direct tomorrow, so the fiery, explosive Mars energy is potentiated.
Mars turns direct on Friday after a long two-month backward spin. We will feel more momentum for forward motion. The Moon moves into Scorpio at 8:19 a.m. PDT, and the Moon is dark, meaning it’s time to draw inward, finish open projects, and prepare for a new lunar cycle. Uranus opposes the Moon, bringing surprises and breakthroughs. However, this day has a lot of dark elements, and it is Friday the 13th. Be mindful, careful, and intentional.
Saturday holds the New Moon in Scorpio which perfects at 9:07 p.m. PDT. With the Sun and Moon in Scorpio we want to go deep. We have strong feelings, and we may want to withdraw into the intensity and demands of our own projects. This New Moon is sextile to Jupiter, the planet of expansion. It is closely sextile to the Capricorn stellium, giving this New Moon strength and depth to start something new which has gravity and commands our attention. It would be a good time to attend to your financial portfolio.
We step into Sunday with a bounce as the Moon moves into optimistic Sagittarius. This is a good day for an autumn hike, and to take a long view. Relationship issues may need to be addressed as Venus squares Jupiter and Pluto. Expand your world through a book or an excursion.
Monday is another expansive, sunny day when the world seems a bit brighter. Get up and get going, and build some strong exercise into your day. You can dream a little. Brilliant ideas may flow from a Mercury-Uranus opposition.
The Week in Short:
Sunday: Allow yourself to engage in your creative projects. Spend time with children or grandchildren.
Monday: It’s the time of the month to clean up and get organized. Relationship issues are highlighted, and we are called to a higher vision.
Tuesday: Another day to do get a lot accomplished and put things in order.
Wednesday, Veteran’s Day: Easy, gracious day. Connecting with others encouraged.
Thursday: Powerful day. Use this strong energy for good and you can move mountains, but don’t push the river.
Friday the 13th: Mars turns direct. Dark Scorpio Moon—time to draw inward. Surprises possible.
Saturday: New Moon in Scorpio. Start a new project that demands a deep dive. Give your finances the works.
Sunday: Optimistic, energetic day. Take a hike and expand your world through a good read.
Monday: Sunny, expansive day. Get moving. Brilliant ideas flow.
Ten Things to Do with Venus in Libra (October 27-December 15)
1. Make time for date nights with your beloved.
2. Mediate or clean up rough edges in relationships.
3. Do fall clean-up in your garden.
4. Set a beautiful table.
5. Beautify your home.
6. Look your best—even if you’re home alone.
7. Speak well and be gracious.
8. Create harmony.
9. Play inspiring music.
10. Walk in beauty.
Moon Void-of-Course: This is the time when the Moon makes its last major angular aspect with a planet before it moves into the next zodiacal sign tropically. This void time, when the Moon is not aspecting a planet, but rather floating on its own, is a time when things don’t come together and it is difficult to make good decisions. Purchases made during void Moons often turn out to be unsatisfactory and not work out. Appointments often don’t come together, and meetings don’t result in progress or sound, lasting decisions. We more easily get lost or meander in trying to get somewhere. The VoC Moon times for the next month are listed below so that you can plan meetings, decisions, and purchases at times when the Moon is not VoC; and use the void times for gardening, reading, and routine task work. Void-of-Course Moon times for the month ahead (one lunar cycle): Pacific Standard Time:
November 9: 3:05 a.m. – 5:30 a.m. (Moon into Virgo)
November 11: 2:59 a.m. – 8:09 a.m. (Moon into Libra)
November 13: 3:32 a.m. – 8:19 a.m. (Moon into Scorpio)
November 15: 3:13 a.m. – 7:47 a.m. (Moon into Sagittarius)
November 16 at 11:54 PM through November 17 at 8:35 a.m. (Moon into Capricorn)
November 19: 8:30 a.m. – 12:25 p.m. (Moon into Aquarius)
November 20 at 4:49 p.m. through November 21 at 8:05 p.m. (Moon into Pisces)
November 24: 2:44 a.m. – 7:05 a.m. (Moon into Aries)
November 26, Thanksgiving: 3:46 p.m. – 7:43 p.m. (Moon into Taurus)
November 29: 4:48 a.m. – 8:16 a.m. (Moon into Gemini)
November 30 at 8:23 p.m. through December 1 at 7:33 p.m. (Moon into Cancer)
December 4: 2:29 a.m. – 4:53 a.m. (Moon into Leo)
December 5 at 2:27 p.m. through December 6 at 11:46 a.m. (Moon into Virgo)
GMT (Greenwich Mean Time):
November 9 at 11:05 through November 10 at 1:30 (Moon into Virgo)
November 11: 10:59 – 16:09 (Moon into Libra)
November 13: 11:32 a.m. – 16:19 (Moon into Scorpio)
November 15: 11:13 – 15:47 (Moon into Sagittarius)
November 17: 7:54 - 15:35 (Moon into Capricorn)
November 19: 15:30 a.m. – 20:25 (Moon into Aquarius)
November 21 at 0:49 p.m. through November 22 at 4:05 (Moon into Pisces)
November 24: 10:44 – 15:05 (Moon into Aries)
November 26, Thanksgiving at 23:46 through November 27 at 3:43 (Moon into Taurus)
November 29: 12:48 – 16:16 (Moon into Gemini)
December 1 at 4:23 through December 2 at 3:33 (Moon into Cancer)
December 4: 10:29 – 12:53 (Moon into Leo)
December 5 at 22:27 through December 6 at 19:46 (Moon into Virgo)