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In the Stars September 11-18, 2022 ... Shining Light on the Astrology of the Week

The Sun shines in Virgo tropically for one more week, highlighting harvest, order, and cleanliness. Mercury turned retrograde on September 9th for its three-week backward spin, signaling a time for review, reconsideration, and revision

Mercury has joined Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto in retrograde motion. This is a time for deep introspection and reflection.

Mars has moved into Gemini for a long seven-month stay in Gemini due to its retrograde motion that begins October 10. During this extended period we will be more open to new ideas and perspectives, and we may speak more freely. Our appetites for engaging in education and communication will increase. Gear up to read, converse, write, listen, and learn.

Saturn is retrograde nearing a last tight square with Uranus. The combo will be closely square September 14 and continue close through November. This square which was active all of 2021, calls for revolutionary change in our lives.


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The Moon shines in independent Aries on Sunday, joining optimistic Jupiter and opposing Mercury retrograde, beckoning adventure. We are invited to share ideas in the light of the Moon’s sextile to Mars in Gemini. This is a bold, dynamic, engaging day.

A Moon-Saturn sextile can help ease us into our responsibilities on Monday. Action and initiation are themes of the day. The evening’s tone is turbulent, as the Moon makes contact with the evocative energy of the Eris-Pluto square.

Tuesday is graced by the exalted Taurus Moon, anchoring our work in practical matters, and drawing us toward pleasing our senses with good ambiance and nourishing food.

The excellent Taurus Moon continues to shine on Thursday. The Moon’s trine to the Virgo Sun makes it particularly strong and productive, anchored in stable earth signs. This alignment provides grounding for the disruptive nature of the Moon-Uranus conjunction that squares Saturn. Expect some rumblings that awaken urges for change.

Thursday morning is also anchored in strong work, due to the Taurus Moon’s alignment with Pluto. The Moon is void of course from 5:58 a.m. through 1:16 p.m. PDT, making it a better time for accomplishing insignificant tasks. Save meetings and decision making for after 1:16 p.m. PDT when the Moon moves into curious Gemini. A Moon-Jupiter sextile later in the day amplifies connections and conversations.

Friday holds some irritations as the Moon joins Mars and they square Venus. The Sun’s opposition to Neptune creates some fog and makes it difficult to get accomplish goals. Be careful what you say, as hurtful words can make matters worse and take time to repair.

A Moon-Saturn trine Saturday anchors us to accomplish our tasks, especially those having to do with communication. The Gemini Moon squares Neptune and the Sun, again making for foggy conditions. A benefic Mars-Chiron sextile stimulates conversation and generates greater understanding.

Sunday is a day for cozying up at home and taking advantage of the Sun-Pluto trine for tackling some household chores. The Mercury-Jupiter opposition may draw you out into a more social expression of the day. Reach out and make some long-distance calls from your comfortable nest.

Feelings are easily hurt with the Moon forming an edgy square to Chiron. Communication may get confused. Matters may not unfold as planned. Go with the flow and be flexible.

The Week in Short:

Sunday: Dynamic, engaging, adventurous day calling for the sharing of ideas, as well as some independent expression.

Monday: Responsibilities beckon and call for initiation and action. Beware of turbulent headwaters in the evening.

Tuesday: Strong work day that is also sensual and nourishing.

Wednesday: Productive work day new realizations.

Thursday: Focus on accomplishing insignificant tasks early in the day. Conversations stirred later in the day.

Friday: Irritations run strong. Be careful of the words you use so as not to have regrets.

Saturday: Communication tasks can be accomplished, even under the day’s foggy conditions. Greater understanding can be reached.

Sunday: Tackle household chores and connect with loved ones far away.

Monday: Be flexible and go with the twists and turns of the day. Life may not go as planned. Be careful not to hurt feelings.

Ten Things to Do with the Venus in Virgo (September 4-28, 2022)

1. Make your life shipshape by attending to loose ends. 2. Organize your work space. 3. Deep clean your home. 4. Take a self-improvement course. 5. Expand your work. 6. Do a 3-day (or more) cleanse. 7. Eat a pure diet during this time. 8. Amplify your health regime. 9. Mend and iron your clothes. 10. Attend to the details in your job that call for attention.

Moon Void-of-Course: This is the time when the Moon makes its last major angular aspect with a planet before it moves into the next zodiacal sign tropically. This void time, when the Moon is not aspecting a planet, but rather floating on its own, is a time when things don’t come together and it is difficult to make good decisions. Purchases made during void Moons often turn out to be unsatisfactory and not work out. Appointments often don’t come together, and meetings don’t result in progress or sound, lasting decisions. We more easily get lost or meander in trying to get somewhere. The VoC Moon times for the next month are listed below so that you can plan meetings, decisions, and purchases at times when the Moon is not VoC; and use the void times for gardening, reading, and routine task work. Void-of-Course Moon times for the month ahead (one lunar cycle): Pacific Standard Time:

September 12 at 9:52 p.m. through September 13 at 4:39 a.m. (Moon into Taurus)

September 15: 5:58 a.m.–1:16 p.m. (Moon into Gemini)

September 17 at 2:51 p.m. through September 18 at 12:59 a.m. (Moon into Cancer)

September 20: 8:56 a.m. –1:37 p.m. (Moon into Leo)

September 22 at 11:49 p.m. through September 23 at 12:53 a.m. (Moon into Virgo)

September 25: 5:49 a.m. – 9:42 a.m. (Moon into Libra)

September 27: 9:20 a.m.-4:14 p.m. (Moon into Scorpio)

September 29: 2:19 p.m. – 9:03 p.m. (Moon into Sagittarius)

October 1 at 2:46 p.m. through October 2 at 12:27 a.m. (Moon into Capricorn)

October 3 at 8:48 p.m. through October 4 at 3:20 a.m. (Moon into Aquarius)

October 5 at 3:45 p.m. through October 5 at 5:46 a.m. (Moon into Pisces)

October 8: 4:10 a.m. – 8:56 a.m. (Moon into Aires)

October 10: 7:01 a.m. – 2:03 p.m. (Moon into Taurus)

October 12: 2:41 p.m. -10:07 p.m. (Moon into Gemini)

October 14 at 9:10 p.m. through October 15 at 9:10 a.m. (Moon into Cancer)

GMT (Greenwich Mean Time):

September 13 4:52-11:39 (Moon into Taurus)

September 15 12:58–20:16 (Moon into Gemini)

September 17 at 21:51 through September 18 at 7:59 (Moon into Cancer)

September 20: 15:56 –20:37 (Moon into Leo)

September 23: 6:49-7:53 (Moon into Virgo)

September 25: 12:49 – 16:42 (Moon into Libra)

September 27: 16:20-23:14 (Moon into Scorpio)

September 29 at 21:19 through September 30 at 6:03 (Moon into Sagittarius)

October 1 at 21:46 through October 2 at 6:27 (Moon into Capricorn)

October 4: 3:48-10:20 (Moon into Aquarius)

October 5 at 22:45 through October 5 at 12:46 (Moon into Pisces)

October 8: 11:10 –15:56 (Moon into Aires)

October 10: 14:01–21:03 (Moon into Taurus)

October 12 at 21:41 through October 13 at 17:07 (Moon into Gemini)

October 15: 4:10-16:10 (Moon into Cancer)

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