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In the Stars July 19-26, 2020...shining light on the astrology of the week: New Moon

The next few days are still intense with the Sun opposite Saturn, correlating with the restrictive situation we all are experiencing with the increase of COVID-19 and resulting restrictions. The New Moon on Monday opposes Saturn, a further correlation of the contracting energy that will be with us at least for the next month. The week ahead holds the Sun’s shift from Cancer into Leo on Wednesday, August 22. We shift from the summer focus on home and family to the more exuberant energy of fixed fire Leo. The Sun is at its best in Leo, its ruling sign, and symbolizes boldness, courage, strength, and creativity. It is the time of year for summer vacation and play, though at this time that energy is restrained. Two asteroids and five planets are still retrograde: Ceres, Pallas Athena, Saturn, Chiron, Pluto, Jupiter, and Neptune. While Mercury is direct, it is still in its shadow until July 26th, so there can still be a bit of confusion. Current themes continue to be review, re-think, revise, and re-negotiate.


Sunday is framed for home and family, with the Moon, as well as Mercury and the Sun, in Cancer. Work in your yard and garden, and cook some comforting food. Touch base with family members. Sunday is particularly energized for action. The Moon is dark as a New Moon forms Monday. Be sure to take some solitude as you reflect on the past month’s lunar cycle.

A New Moon aligns at 10:12 a.m. Monday at 28:27 Cancer, exactly opposed to Saturn and opposed to Jupiter and Pluto. Both the Moon and Saturn are strong in their ruling signs, Cancer and Capricorn respectively. These qualities give balance and grounding to the limitations and challenges that may emerge from this alignment which may be concerned with home, family, and property. A brief void Moon period forms from 10:55 – 1:16 p.m. PDT, followed by the Moon’s bounce into Leo. A little playfulness in the afternoon and evening can lighten the load of the heaviness of the New Moon.

Tuesday morning may not go as planned, as a Moon-Uranus square could take us off course. Once you find your ground, you may want to make time for some summer fun in the Sun. If that isn’t possible, then use your fired-up enthusiasm to get yourself moving on a project or two (Moon trines Mars and Moon sextiles Venus). The Moon goes void of course at 5:27 p.m. PDT, so relax into a delightful, easy evening.

The Sun enters tropical Leo on Wednesday, ushering in a month for vacations and summer recreation. It’s the zodiacal month of the year framed for play. The Moon is void of course all day until it arrives in Virgo at 4:40 p.m. This would be a great vacation day to do as you please; if time off to play isn’t in the cards, then stick to routine tasks, or do insignificant activities not requiring meetings or decisions. Brilliant ideas come easy from a Mercury-Uranus aspect. With the Moon in Virgo in the evening, plan how to make the most of the efficient, grounded energy available for the next two days.

Thursday and Friday are the days of the month for getting your life in order. These days are for cleaning, organizing, and leaning into your “to do” list with vigor. A Moon-Uranus trine suggests varying routines. Communication flows. The cleaning and organizing energy flows even stronger on Friday as the Virgo Moon makes numerous benefic aspects with powerful planets Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn. The Moon becomes void of course at 4:08 p.m. PDT and then moves into Libra at 6:54 p.m. Enjoy a lovely dinner and a relaxing evening, satisfied by all you have accomplished the last two days.

A Libra Moon serves as a backdrop Saturday and Sunday. While this could symbolize ease, harmony, and connection, this Moon makes edgy, challenging aspects both days. Saturday the Moon makes hard aspects with Chiron, Mercury, and Mars. Sunday’s aspects pack a bigger punch, as the Libra Moon makes hard aspects to Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn. Libra is a cardinal, action-oriented sign, so put this energy to work getting things done; go slowly and carefully, and keep your temper cool. The Moon is void of course Sunday evening from 6:09-9:12 p.m. PDT, allowing a time to sit back and relax before the work weeks begin.

Jupiter and Neptune, planets of vision and possibilities, make an exact opportune sextile aspect on Monday, inviting expressions of expansion and creativity. Mercury squares Mars, making us prone to arguments and edgy communication. A mid-afternoon Moon-Uranus opposition may pop us out of our comfort zones. Give people their space, and take your own freedom.

* * * * * * * *

The Week in Short:

Sunday: Garden, cook, and put your house in order. Connect with family. Take some solitude

Monday: New Moon in late Cancer. You can meet obstacles, challenges, and limitations with sensibility and reason.

Tuesday: You may veer off course in the morning, but you are fired up and engaged in the afternoon; Moon VoC at 5:27—so then relax.

Wednesday: Playful Leo Moon VoC all day until 4:40 p.m. PDT. Take time off and do something fun.

Thursday: Get your life in order; clean with vigor.

Friday: Industrious day. Tackle your “to do” list. Relax at the dinner hour and enjoy a laid-back evening.

Saturday: Edgy day for getting things accomplished. Keep your cool.

Sunday: Another challenging, irritating day; lean in and make things happen, but go slowly and carefully.

Monday: Creative day of vision and possibilities, but also an edgy day. Take your space.


Ten Things to Do with Venus in Gemini

1. Exchange books with neighbors that lead you in new directions.

2. Exercise flexibility in relationship.

3. Pick up the phone and connect with someone with whom you’ve been out of touch.

4. Acknowledge the various expressions of love in your everyday life.

5. Write letters.

6. Plan a short and safe trip.

7. Take an internet excursion and make at least three new discoveries.

8. Explore your surroundings and discover something new.

9. Connect with aunts, uncles, or cousins.

10. Think (and act) more flexibly with money matters—learn something new from a podcast about finances.


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Moon Void-of-Course: This is the time when the Moon makes its last major angular aspect with a planet before it moves into the next zodiacal sign tropically. This void time, when the Moon is not aspecting a planet, but rather floating on its own, is a time when things don’t come together and it is difficult to make good decisions. Purchases made during void Moons often turn out to be unsatisfactory and not work out. Appointments often don’t come together, and meetings don’t result in progress or sound, lasting decisions. We more easily get lost or meander in trying to get somewhere. The VoC Moon times for the next month are listed below so that you can plan meetings, decisions, and purchases at times when the Moon is not VoC; and use the void times for gardening, reading, and routine task work.

Void-of-Course Moon times for the month ahead (one lunar cycle):

Pacific Standard Time:

July 20: 10:55 a.m. -1:11 p.m. (Moon into Leo)

July 21 at 5:27 p.m. through July 22 at 4:40 p.m. (Moon into Virgo)

July 24: 4:08 p.m. – 6:54 p.m. (Moon into Libra)

July 26: 6:09 p.m. – 8:12 p.m. (Moon into Scorpio)

July 28 at 9:01 p.m. through July 29 at 0:25 a.m. (Moon into Sagittarius)

July 30 at 5:08 p.m. through July 31 at 5:58 a.m. (Moon into Capricorn)

August 2: 6:59 a.m. - 11:10 a.m. (Moon into Aquarius)

August 4: 2:45 p.m. 7:28 p.m. (Moon into Pisces)

August 7: 5:53 a.m. – 6:05 a.m. (Moon into Aries)

August 9: 12:50 p.m. – 6:28 p.m. (Moon into Taurus)

August 12: 0:55 a.m. – 6:46 a.m. (Moon into Gemini)

August 14: 4:19 a.m. – 4:35 p.m. (Moon into Cancer)

August 16: 4:59 p.m. – 10:39 p.m. (Moon into Leo)

GMT (Greenwich Mean Time):

July 20: 18:55 - 21:11 (Moon into Leo)

July 22 at 1:27 through July 23 at 0:40 (Moon into Virgo)

July 25: 0:08 – 2:54 (Moon into Libra)

July 27: 2:09 – 4:12 (Moon into Scorpio)

July 29 at 6:01 through July 30 at 8:25 (Moon into Sagittarius)

July 31: 3:08 - 13:58 (Moon into Capricorn)

August 2: 14:59 - 19:10 (Moon into Aquarius)

August 4 at 22:45 through August 5 at 3:28 (Moon into Pisces)

August 7: 13:53 – 14:05 (Moon into Aries)

August 9 at 20:50 through August 10 at 14:28 (Moon into Taurus)

August 12: 8:55 – 14:46 (Moon into Gemini)

August 14 at 12:19 through August 15 at 0:35 (Moon into Cancer)

August 17: 0:59 – 6:39 (Moon into Leo)


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